It's been ages since I posted anything on the blog, and ages since I painted. All sorts of things took over in my life, but yesterday and today I managed to finish the second of my 'Asparagus Series' if I dare call it that. It's not really 'finished' as there are a few areas that need correcting, but I cannot do any more to it without ruining it, but it's better than the first effort. I actually quite like it.
Great Anne! Nice to see the next in your series.
Thanks Charlotte!
I like this one better than the first! Love the catching of the reds/purple in the little leaf attachment points and the tips. And of course I want asparagus now...and it is only 5:11 a.m.!
Thanks Sherry - yes it is a better painting. Gosh you are up early!!!
This was worth the wait! Lots of people have painted asparagus but I think you have put a nice original face on the subject. Good work now about the virtual paint out.... tic tic tic! :-)
Thanks for the compliment Carrie! Yeah...the Virtual Paintout and that deadline....!! All the best.
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